Extreme players play very often and usually have the game open a large portion of the day. Moderate players play more often than Rare players but not quite as much as Extreme players. Rare players do not play the game frequently and may only sign into their base a few times a day at opportune times such as waking up, lunch, evening, etc. The description is different for all these players hence the amount of activity is also different. In the next classification, each of the three age groups is further broken into three subgroups which are: Rare, Moderate, and Extreme players. Young Adults involve general schedules which include a job, performing basic errands and activities later in the day and evening such as partying and other entertainment. As an example, the website gives a description of a Young Adult. Their schedules are taken into consideration, and the time they spend on the game is predicted.

The website groups players into three different age groups: Children, Young Adults, and Adults. That’s what is shown in the graph: how many bases are available and derived amount of resources, summed up. From these derive a model predicting how many will be online (cannot be attacked, and collect resources), and how many are offline (can be attacked and resources fill up). This site relies only on ‘predicted’ behaviour based on several social studies, and how the mines/collectors fill.

The Clash of Clans Forecaster website clearly mentions that it does not rely on any Supercell data. Both are predictions and can be inaccurate at times. Compare this to your weather predictions data.