As a added bonus for the Tombed Visions faithful, 'Night Realms' is included on Side B of this glorious, glorious tape! A soul stirrer, no fucking doubt and an essential slice of modern European Free Jazz. 'Day Realms' has moments of the sustained menace of its predecessor, but its the dynamics the trio have begun to explore on this record space, soloist runs and creating moments for each other to share their individual voices that really must ensure that these cats keep making this music together, the development in sound so huge. John Dikeman, when not wailing into his saxophone like a wounded banshee, smatters the sounds with some of his most keeningly beautiful playing I've yet to hear. Rene Aquarius thundering percussion rests most of its attack on the cymbals, creating a shimmering sea of metal when he isn't bombastically gutting the sound with pounding rolls that Serries and Dikeman cry in response too, drowning under the waves. Dirk Serries is at his most burstingly melodic, his guitar singing in rich hues of sun burnt colour. Beginning with a dawn like guitar loop, 'Day Realms' opens like a crest of sunlight rolling across on a malevolent sea, the waves rippling and boiling with tension. A companion piece to last years 'Night Realms', the trio of guitarist Dirk Serries, saxophonist John Dikeman and drummer Rene Aquarius return to Tombed Visions with another assaulting, 40 plus minute set of sustained fire music glory.