The vision also included Lucius's father, Lord Garth Dragen, Lucius's paternal bastard uncle Ethan Snow, and Larinna Harrigon, Lucius's wife. Thousands of years before his birth, Lucius Dragen appeared as Vyrio Ahai, the brother of the legendary Azor Ahai, to the ancient Red Priests in a vision. The Red Priestesses of Asshai receive visions of Lucius' birth, life, and downfall.

Lucius was mostly accompanied by the Butcher's Boys, childhood friends turned lackeys who assisted him in his atrocities. He was the former Lord of Snake Mount and head of House Dragen.

He was married to Larinna Harrigon and is the father of two children, his son and heir Warron, and a newborn daughter Melina. Lucius was the eldest son of Garth Dragen and Alise Dragen of Snake Mount, brother of Erik, Domeric and Mira Dragen. Lucius Dragen, also known as Lucius the Cannibal, the eponymous Lord of the Hunt, revered as the Red Dragon by the Brotherhood of Darkness, is a major character in the first, second, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh seasons. And his methods have become.unsound." ― Qyburn to Cersei Lannister And very obviously, he has gone insane.He's out there operating without any decent restraint, totally beyond the pale of any acceptable human conduct. Sometimes the dark side overcomes the better angels of our nature. Because there's a conflict in every human heart, between the rational and the irrational, between good and evil. " Well, you see.things get confused out there: power, ideals, the old morality, practical necessity.